On the Clinic Floor: Addressing the Most Critical Questions of Frontline Clinicians in Multiple Sclerosis Management
Due to the unique educational design of this course, the content must be viewed and completed on the ReachMD platform.
Program Description
The field of multiple sclerosis (MS) is evolving at a rapid pace from disease modifying therapies (DMTs) to diagnostic/monitoring tools to fundamental principles that shape how clinicians think about the disease. Though such advancements are welcome, they continue to raise new questions about how to optimize management for individual patients. In this program, real clinicians who treat MS pose their most pressing clinical questions to an expert panel. These specialists then provide their best answers through literature and their own clinical experience.
Target Audience
This activity is intended for general neurologists, neurodegenerative disease specialists, and other healthcare professionals involved in the diagnosis and management of patients with MS.
Learning Objectives
Upon completion of the educational activity, participants should be able to:
- Apply evolving diagnostic considerations (e.g., oligoclonal bands, autoantibodies, rising biomarkers) in appropriate situations to optimize timely recognition of MS presentations
- Evaluate key clinical and patient-specific factors that may influence DMT selection to optimally match each patient with particular therapeutic strategies
- Discuss strategies for the identification and response to subacute disease changes to develop evidence-based management plans for patients
- Utilize important long-term considerations in MS patient care to tailor clinical decisions commensurate with individual patient needs

This activity is jointly provided by Purdue University College of Pharmacy Office of Continuing Education and Professional Development (Purdue) and Efficient LLC.
Accreditation Statement
This enduring activity has been planned and implemented in accordance with the accreditation requirements and policies of the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME) through the joint providership of the Purdue University College of Pharmacy Office of Continuing Education and Professional Development and Efficient LLC. Purdue University is accredited by the ACCME to provide continuing medical education for physicians.
Designation Statement
Conflicts of Interest Disclosure Policy
To ensure compliance with the ACCME Standards for Integrity and Independence in Accredited Continuing Education, Purdue University requires that all individuals in a position to control the content of an educational activity disclose all financial relationships with ineligible companies whose primary business is producing, marketing, selling, re-selling, or distributing healthcare products used by or on patients. All relevant conflicts of interest identified are thoroughly assessed by Purdue University to ensure fair balance, scientific rigor, and accepted patient care recommendations of the educational activity.
All relevant conflicts of interest have been mitigated prior to the start of the activity.
None of the planners, reviewers, Efficient LLC staff, and Purdue University College of Pharmacy staff have relevant financial relationship(s) with ineligible companies to disclose unless listed below.
Faculty Disclosures
Dr. Shin reported the following financial relationships:
- Speakers Bureau: Alexion Pharmaceuticals, BMS, EMD Serono, Genentech, Horizon Therapeutics, Novartis, and Sanofi-Genzyme
- Consulting Fees: Alexion Pharmaceuticals, BMS, EMD Serono, Genentech, Horizon Therapeutics, Icometric, and Novartis
Dr. Alvarez reported the following financial relationships:
- Consulting Fees: Alexion, Biogen, Celgene/BMS, EMD Serono/Merck, Genentech/Roche, Horizon, Motric Bio, Novartis, Sanofi, Scionic, and TG Therapeutics
- Grants/Research Support: Atara, Biogen, Genentech/Roche, Novartis, TG Therapeutics, Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Initiative, National Multiple Sclerosis Society, National Institutes of Health, and Rocky Mountain MS Center
Dr. Oh reported the following financial relationships:
- Consulting Fees: Biogen-Idec, EMD Serono, Horizon Therapeutics, Eli-Lilly, Novartis, Roche, and Sanofi-Genzyme
- Grants/Research Support: Biogen-Idec and Roche
Disclosure of Unlabeled Use
This educational activity may contain discussion of published and/or investigational uses of agents that are not indicated by the FDA. The planners of this activity do not recommend the use of any agent outside of the labeled indications. The opinions expressed in the educational activity are those of the faculty and do not necessarily represent the views of the planners. Please refer to the official prescribing information for each product for discussion of approved indications, contraindications, and warnings.
Participants have an implied responsibility to use the newly acquired information to enhance patient outcomes and their own professional development. The information presented in this activity is not meant to serve as a guideline for patient management. Any procedures, medications, or other courses of diagnosis or treatment discussed or suggested in this activity should not be used by clinicians without evaluation of their patient's conditions and possible contraindications and/or dangers in use, review of any applicable manufacturer's product information, and comparison with recommendations of other authorities.
Commercial Support
Supported by educational grants from Bristol Myers Squibb and Novartis Pharmaceuticals.